Friday, February 26

If you...

"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading,
you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
- Haruki Murakami


Lise said...

Wow what a true quote. I love Murakami's books, they are always so left of centre and make my mind bend in unfamiliar (but good) ways. totally recommend him for next sessions book list :)

I'm so not a blogger said...

kafka on the shore is one of my faves!

Anonymous said...

I loooooove Haruku Murakami

BB do you mind telling me where I can find a book list of what you're reading so that I can review too?

Thank you


Sid said...

I rad one of Haruki Murakami's books ... Norwegian Wood. Was not a huge fan. It's just so ... odd.

Fé... said...

You really have very nice pictures related to reading. I think it's very cool!